Ayurveda, means “The knowledge of Life and Longevity”, is a 5,000-year old powerful natural healing science from India. Health is a balanced state of body, mind and consciousness. Ayurveda focuses on the whole person and seeks to correct the imbalances at the root cause of the disease.
"Nothing is Right for Every one, Everything is right for someone. Ayurveda is the path to find what is right for you."
- Dr.Marc Halpern
"In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you"- Deepak Chopra.
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Is Ayurveda the right solution for you? To learn more about your unique body and health please consider joining this free online webinar where we will go in depth on how to retrieve and maintain your connection to nature. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present” - Oogway, Kung Fu Panda Let us not waste this precious gift. Register Today.
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"Healing Your Life - Ayurvedic Wellness Program"
This ancient study of Ayurveda designed to help people maintain optimal health, and rejuvenate their life with energy has been proven to work time after time. Join us for a six week Ayurvedic self care journey that supports each participant to create a sustainable unique diet and lifestyle in order to prevent disease and promote longevity. Register Today.
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Practice the principles of Hatha yoga along with Ayurveda, which focuses on Asanas (physical postures), Pranayama (breath control), Shatkarmas (purifications) and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Our yoga class will have three phases,
Phase 1: Activation - 20 min
Phase 2: Strengthening and Balance - 30 min
Phase 3: Breathing and Relaxation - 20min
Register Today.